Sunday, July 5, 2015

Grand Canyon, 2015

Because our life has been in utter chaos and limbo for the last three years, and we just recently decided to pull out of the foster program, we never could make any real big plans for the summer.  So for the summer of 2015, we had already planned little trips, in case...well, you know......which never worked out anyway.

So our first trip was the Grand Canyon.  My hubs and I have both been there before, but only briefly.  And our daughter never has gone and had expressed interest a while we drove down to Williams, AZ, and took their train ride.  It was perfect...a scenic ride to the Canyon, and got to spend a little time there touring on a bus and stopping to look at some cool spots, and then headed back.  Enough for us, as we are not the hiking type of family.  Also, Angelina wouldn't come near the sides, so really, it was perfect.  Got some cool photos...and I'm okay with that!

 Me, of course
 Paul, my hubs

 Woo Hoo!

 Family picture

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